Friday, 30 October 2015


It was really nice seeing Shope again, after so many seasons gone by. He has totally grown from that wishy-washy mama's boy I used to know back in university days, beards grooming is the new six packs, and he is not left out of this (sexy) madness either, can't stop staring at his screaming expensive brown vintage shoes or maybe it was his lovely legs, showing from the brown short he was wearing. He was too neat, so clean and proper, over arranged for me but God! he is good-looking.

I was totally stunned by all this changes in him, not just the physical, but the mental, he has really grown from that cute kid (who attempted suicide because of me), to a grown man, and it got me wondering what so much years can do to people, but some things will never change, he smiles at almost everything, since our eyes met he has been smiling, and that's an attribute he was well known for.

We both finally settle down with  a glass of juice each, after all sort of gestures and compliments, there was a quick silence in the air, something we used to assume that "an angel just passed" we looked at each other, that look to remind ourselves what that quick silence means and we smiled, to certify we both understood.

Where have you been?

I asked grimacing, a reminder of the last time we saw, and a question of what he wants. He chuckled and stared  at me as a response of him perfectly understanding me. 

Deola! you have not changed.

I raised my brows and shrugged pretending not to know what he is talking about, but deep inside I was happy he got the message. 

He started by telling me how much he was in love with me back then, and he thought the best option for him was to attempt suicide which failed, and his mother had to move with him to the United State. He schooled and he's working now, he told me how sorry he was for the whole drama between us and he would love us to leave the past in the past.

I will love to put the past in the past too, but diary, does the past always stay in the past, hell no! I'm a drama lady, and very inquisitive, so I will always visit the past so as to know the perfect need of the future and now

He continued, telling me he is on holiday and he came to Nigeria to see his boyfriend.


The poppycock he has been talking about didn't really move me, but this new word "boyfriend" it was like I've never heard that word before, or maybe it's the first time I'm hearing such from a guy, and he mentioned it with so much pride and emotions. God! where did he get his confidence from?

He grinned and told me the main reason for this meeting is to apologize and catch up with me...oh! I hate suspense, not in the mood for the apology or catching up on a boring chit chat anymore, I just want him to get down to the nitty-gritty of this boyfriend talk, and the big question was right on my tongue that I didn't know when it came out.

Are you gay now?

I tried not to look weird or curious with the way I asked; I smiled and nodded in an amusing way, to make it all look normal to me, well, nothing about me has been normal lately. but cant dim my gleaming desperate eyes, my ears are so wide opened for his response.

I prefer the word QUEER, it's more classy and pleasant to the mouth and ear, right?...that was his response, with attitude.

I hated his gut, and I love it too, but at the back of my mind I kept wondering how did he switch from falling in love with me to being gay or queer, whatever.

To make him more comfortable with me, so I asked, are you 100 percent queer or Bisexual? 

He laughed loud, then I knew I'll get all my answers from him.

There is no 100 percent Deo, you're either Bi or Queer and I am Queer.

How do you switch to being gay? is it like a switch you turned on and off or what? I kept on with these questions before his loud laugh hushed me, he continued...

I've always known back in school, but I was still fighting myself from the feelings and attractions to same sex, and the only lady I was ever attracted to was you Deo, and that was the reason behind the whole dating pretense plan, with you I can be Straight, I thought along the game you will fall in love with me, but you're some stubborn being, instead you blew it all up with being you and I couldn't help myself, the only option was suicide, which I'll agree was totally immature.

Living in the US has taught me to accept myself, love myself and enjoy life, which is why I am here to make up with my best friends and spend good time with my boyfriend.

I really appreciate his honesty and openness, I accepted his apology and truly I miss him, he was a good friend and he still proof to be. Fuck it! I make a gay guy straight, do I still have that magic though?

We talked about the law on being gay in Nigeria and how hard it is for that kind of relationship here, I was able to flow very well, thanks to my research on dad and his secret boyfriend. It was fun talking about the whole thing, seems like I'm wrapped around gay people, I wished I could tell him my gay experience with Annie (that would have been a blow to him) but I decided to keep it for another day that may never come, that's something I am a Pro at doing now, keeping secrets.

I kept wondering who his boyfriend could be, maybe someone I know, I want to hangout with them so bad and see how they relate, even how they do the love making thing. Seeing heterosexual couples is so cliche, I want something new and interesting and bizarre as people may call it, hanging out with a queer couple would just be perfect, more like a toppings on my ice-cream.

Luckily for me, he asked if I would like to meet his boyfriend over the weekend, definitely! it was a big yes for me.

I was glad to see Shope, and looking forward to seeing his boyfriend too, a lot of things are changing this days.

Back in bed, doing my thing on my diary, I decided to download lady gaga 'born this way' song, I need to learn that song well, so when I meet with his boyfriend, he will know I'm totally gay friendly, or maybe I'm a lesbian in transition. Laughs!

thanks for reading...don't forget to comment